Make Your Writing Resolutions a Reality Now
Jun 28, 2023![](
As we near the midway point of 2023, it's a perfect time to pause and reflect on your writing goals. Are you on track and in sync with where you want to be? Or will you need to course correct or recalibrate some of your objectives? Consider taking a deep breath and carving out time to evaluate your writing journey, appreciating where you've come, and charting where you're going next - be it over the upcoming year or 90 days.
What have you learned along the way? How can you use those lessons to propel yourself forward? What challenges are waiting ahead, and how will you prepare for them? Even if it's only 15 minutes set aside each day or week where we review our progress, recognize successes, and plan our next steps - these moments of reflection may be the key to unlocking your writing potential.
Still stuck?
There’s a statistic that says 81% of adults want to write a book but only 3% ever do. That means that 97% of people who want to write a book never finish.
Why is that?
Without a clear, step-by-step process to follow, most writers get completely lost.
And that’s why I created the Fiction Writing Academy.
The proven, step-by-step method to writing your bestselling novel by bestselling romance author and publisher Sarah Williams. I’m here to be your personal coach and help you not only finish your novel but to make it a BESTSELLER!
Sound good?
Click the link for all the details + to join now >>
Remember, our journey is not a race - it's a process. There will be highs and lows, moments of pause and moments of clarity. So take your time to enjoy every step you make and understand both what works for you and what doesn't. If you find yourself at a standstill, break through the blocks with mindful writing exercises or creative prompts that help you visualize your story.
Most importantly, stay focused and consistent in working towards your goals. Identify what resources can help push you forward, who will be a source of motivation when things get tough, and how to reflect and reset after making progress or hitting a wall. When it comes to writing success, the best way to start is to begin - so take that first step and never look back!
With the right mindset, you can write your story and make your dreams a reality. So keep going, stay persistent and remember to give yourself grace along the way. Keep in mind that every step forward is a sign of progress - no matter how small or insignificant it may seem at the time. Embrace this journey as an opportunity to grow, learn and create something magical. With patience, dedication, and hard work you can make your mark on the world and real ize your story.
Good luck! May all of your writing endeavors be filled with success!
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