Thank you for your interest in joining our Advanced Reader Club.

If you are interested in reviewing our books, we will be happy to send you free e-copies of our books in exchange for your honest review

Reviews help us to sell books and early reviews are especially important to the success of a book launch in today's crowded ebook market. They will not only tell readers if a book is worth their while, but also encourage them to take a chance with a new author.


What's an ARC?

An 'ARC' is an advance review / reading copy of an unpublished version of a book that is sent to select readers for review.

Our ARCs have been copyedited at the point they are issued but are still undergoing quality checks for determined typos and formatting issues.


Who can join?

Experienced reviewers and those just starting out are welcome.

All we ask is that you agree to the requirements and that you enjoy reading fiction novels!


How does it work?

An invitation will be sent each time we have a new book available for review.

Invites will happen on a book-by-book basis. This gives you the option to review only the books you really want to read and review and when you have the time.

We do not expect reviewers to review every book and understand that life sometimes gets in the way.

The number of available ARCs per book may be limited.

If you accept the invite, you will receive a free e-copy of the ARC and start reading!

Those who decline wait until the next ARC is available. However, ideally, those who join are able to read & review at least one ARC per month.


The Review

Please post your reviews on platforms including Amazon and Goodreads via the links provided.

Amazon and Goodreads all require a headline, a star rating and at least 20 words.

If you are posting spoilers, please use a warning!


Please post all reviews within 3-4 days of the book release date, or as quickly as possible.

*We will remove reviewers from our ARC teams who do not post reviews.


Join the Club!

CLICK HERE to send our team an email and we will add you!